A big controversy right now is how English anime / manga localization teams are changing the japanese translation unfaithfully. Japan is planning a widespread shift from gaijin translators (foreigners) to using AI for anime / manga translations worldwide.
Here is a site with images of examples where japanese are discussing this phenomina: https://togetter.com/li/2281834?page=2 (right click the page & select "Translate to English" to be able to read the text) What are your thoughts? Anime / Manga are Japan's biggest industries for communicating with the world at large through media. I think the translation should be faithful or it can potentially hurt Japan's image.
So an update. So companies are going more and more to the idea of AI, including dubs for anime. Pushing the idea to work with AI. A little while back James Earl Jones (the voice of Darth Vader) sold his rights to AI. He gets paid while the AI creators get a profit as well. I understand for him to do this cause he's old, and won't be around forever. And even if gone money still goes to his family.
Now how this works is if people want to use your voice they would have to ask for consent of the actor. Both the actor and AI creators get paid to do so. Even if that actor has passed away their family are able to work on terms. This idea isn't terrible I admit. I mean I understand actors who are reaching their limit because age. I see this happening more of older actors.
The negatives, AI can still be pretty flawed, having troubles with line delivery, expressions, and etc. I understand actors being against this. I understand actors wouldn't get the full amount of pay for their service. Sure, can be a easy paycheck for doing about nothing if using your voice and do have full control for those who want to use your voice. And I still understand not wanting to be replaced. People love their job as actors.
For those with improper dubs and giving an attitude I understand Japan using this AI. Though still depends if many of those actors give consent so might be a split opinion on that. We'll see in time where that goes.